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mini gps tracker.GPS operation vehicle management platform service provider positioning platform requirements

source:truck tracking webfleet solutions release time:2023-11-07 Hits:     Popular:realtime gps tracker online


  The operation service platform should support communication methods such as SMS, GPRS, CDMA, and all required terminals. It should have main functions such as vehicle positioning, alarm and rescue, route navigation, command and dispatch, communication, vehicle operation status monitoring, vehicle identity screening, query and statistics, and provide the necessary services for operating vehicles, road transportation enterprises, and road transportation industry management departments with terminals installed throughout the province.

  1 Positioning

  Vehicle positioning data should include time, longitude, latitude, speed, direction, etc. Software can convert longitude and latitude into specific location descriptions. The frequency of terminal data upload shall not be less than once per minute when the vehicle is in motion, and shall not be less than once every 10 minutes when it is stationary.

  2. Historical Data Query

  The platform should be able to store vehicle related data for more than one year, with multiple query methods to ensure that road transportation industry management departments, road transportation enterprises, or car owners can query historical data, and have historical trajectory playback and printing functions.

  3. Archive Management

  The platform requires a complete vehicle and driver profile. The vehicle file includes the license plate number, company name, license plate number, license plate color, seating capacity (tonnage), engine number, chassis number, fuel category, road transportation certificate number, vehicle technical level, etc. The driver file includes the driver's name, employment qualification certificate number, employment qualification certificate validity period, mobile phone contact information, etc. For passenger vehicles, it is also required to have complete information about the passenger route, including route number, operating mileage, departure time, starting place name, starting station name, ending place name, destination station name, route name, whether to drive on the highway, and the entrance and exit of the highway being driven.

  4 Reminder service

  It can achieve the function of vehicle technical level assessment/secondary maintenance reminder. The content of vehicle technical level assessment/secondary maintenance includes online testing date, maintenance date, repair shop, next maintenance date, etc. It can also set an advance reminder time. The system notifies the vehicle in advance through message or voice based on the set time.

  The vehicle insurance reminder function can be implemented, including the insurance company, insurance type, policy number, insurance amount, insurance start and end dates, and the number of days to remind in advance. Simultaneously record the situation of accidents and claims.

  5 Command and dispatch

  Implement message distribution function (including group sending function). By distributing information, real-time communication and scheduling between industry management departments, road transportation enterprises, and vehicles can be achieved.

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