source:truck tracking webfleet solutions release time:2023-08-26 Hits: Popular:realtime gps tracker online
According to the model, it can be divided into geodetic type, full station type, timed type, handheld type, and integrated type; According to the purpose, it can be divided into vehicle mounted, ship mounted, airborne, satellite mounted, and missile mounted. 1. Classification by receiver usage
1. Navigation type receiver This type of receiver is mainly used for navigation of moving carriers, which can provide real-time information on the carrier's position and speed. This type of receiver generally uses C/A code pseudo range measurement, and the real-time positioning accuracy of a single point is relatively low, usually ± 10m, and ± 100m when there is SA influence. This type of receiver is cheap and widely used. According to different application fields, this type of receiver can be further divided into: vehicle type - used for vehicle navigation and positioning; Navigation type - used for ship navigation and positioning; Aviation type - used for aircraft navigation and positioning. Due to the high speed of aircraft operation, receivers used in aviation are required to be able to adapt to high-speed motion. Satellite borne type - used for satellite navigation and positioning. Due to the satellite's speed reaching over 7km/s, higher requirements are placed on the receiver.
2. Geodetic receivers are mainly used for precision geodesy and precision engineering surveying. This type of instrument mainly uses carrier phase observation values for relative positioning, with high positioning accuracy. The instrument has a complex structure and is relatively expensive.
3. Time service receivers, which mainly use high-precision time standards provided by GPS satellites for time service, are commonly used for time synchronization in observatories and radio communication.
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