source:truck tracking webfleet solutions release time:2023-06-27 Hits: Popular:realtime gps tracker online
Car locator, also known as car positioning tracker, is mainly a vehicle anti-theft GPS positioning product. The functions of car positioning trackers generally include SMS positioning, timed positioning, network query, remote monitoring, and remote car locking.
1、 Install the locator card. The user needs to install the card while the locator is turned off, and then turn it on.
2、 Install the locator. According to the instructions in the manual, connect the wires of the GPS locator separately. Wireless GPS locators do not need to be wired. It is necessary to find a suitable installation location to prevent excessive temperature or metal objects from affecting the use of the locator.
3、 Log in to the platform. According to the instructions in the manual, log in to the platform website or download the platform's mobile app, enter your device number and initial password, and then proceed with the car check.
4、 Rolling car. After the installation is completed, drive the car out for a constant speed circle, and the speed should not be too fast. After about twenty minutes, the positioning data of the car locator will be displayed on the platform.
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