4G GPS Tracker

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4G GPS Tracker.Car owners can choose based on the characteristics of these two types of products

source:4G GPS Tracker release time:2024-05-29 Hits:     Popular:realtime gps tracker online


  Products that do not require wiring can be installed in many places. Some products can also be attached to the body of the car through magnets, such as GPT09, which can be installed in unexpected positions such as the chassis. However, because it is only turned on for 10 minutes every day, emergency mode does not need to be activated unless a car loss incident occurs. However, it is important to pay attention to the placement and not assume that car thieves will not find it. It is best to place it in a location where thieves cannot easily find it. Thieves can come into contact with the chassis and other areas. Therefore, when installing outside the car, careful consideration should be given

  Wires that require wiring can generally be considered to be installed inside the front center console panel, the lower panel of the rear windshield, the front door, the reflective interior, and the bumper.

  If you want to improve the installation and use of car mounted GPS locators, you can consider installing two or more locators in different locations. Thieves often take it lightly after removing one, and it takes time to completely remove it. Of course, GPS locators require regular payment of service fees (it is recommended to purchase a lifetime platform at once) and traffic fees such as phone bills (testing 22M traffic per month). Installing multiple locators will lead to an increase in the renewal amount, and the specific choice depends on the owner's own evaluation

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